Power To The Musicians with Rebecca Trujillo Vest, Pandion Music Foundation

#2indie #nonprofit #pandionmusic #pmf #rebeccatrujillovest May 22, 2023

Tell us a little bit about who you are as an artist and what you stand for?

I would describe myself first and foremost as a music creator who collaborates, produces, sings and writes songs to expand on themes of art, culture, society, and the environment. I grew up in Santa Fe, NM. Early on I found sweet moments making music to be a nurturing experience similar to a mother’s love. This led me to form Osmunda Music, a band and brand that guides my creative output. My work is influenced by many genres including world music, new age, pop, folk, rock, Americana, and children’s music. I am a passionate activist for causes that I see in my everyday life ranging from global warming and arts education to homelessness and hunger. I am also a founding member of the band Space Babies with my husband Michael Vest. In 2010, we opened a recording studio in Venice, California called Earthstar Creation Center 


What is your mission as an artist?

As an artist, I stand for the rights of music creators. I follow my own artistic path and advocate and encourage others to do so. People don’t necessarily choose to become artists that simply are. And yet for many, the journey to fulfill that authentic self is not clearcut, easy, affordable, or accessible. This realization led me to recently establish the nonprofit organization Pandion Music Foundation (PMF) with two other artists to help foster growth within the music creator community.


You have a beautiful nonprofit, what is the mission around that and what do you stand for there?

Thank you so much. Pandion Music Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping other creators access the tools they need to build their careers. Our PMF founders—myself, Carls Woolf, and Jordan Stobbe—met through an online songwriting course during the Pandemic. We were brought together by the idea of providing resources and tools that nurture artists across all lines of diversity and inclusion. Our programs feature free online educational resources including workshops, wellness guidance, and direct access to music industry experts. To date, PMF has presented more than 20 workshops with participants ranging in age from 18 to over 65. People can register for upcoming events by visiting: pandionmusicfoundation.org/upcoming-events/.


How does your artist self and your nonprofit come together for your mission?

My role as an artist and PMF are manifestations of who I am, and are connected together every day. As both an artist and CEO/Programs Director of PMF, I am proud of the fact that our co-founders are women across three continents, and that we have attracted a dynamic, passionate women-led Board of Directors and staff. Together we are committed to broadening opportunities across the spectrum of the music industry. My artistic and nonprofit sides are enriched by collaborators who sustain our work and include Earthstar Creation Center, 2indie.com and so many others. In Sept. 2022, we collaborated with 2indie to hold a worldwide inaugural 24-hour Sync-O-Thon, and recently worked together again for the second annual Sync-O-Thon during Syncabaloo! These events helped support emerging artists by featuring music professionals who provided mentoring and guidance to artists about their songs. 


What are the next plans on the horizon for both you as an artist and Pandion Music Foundation?

To date, I have released numerous singles and four albums including Munda, Sending My Love, Mantras, and Love Will Overcome. My latest album TAKE MY HAND will be released on Aug. 18, 2023. Several of my projects have been submitted for GRAMMY nominations. I am always in the studio writing and recording new music.

For PMF, we are focused on expanding our programs, building our global audiences, and seeking additional individual and corporate sponsorships. We are also discussing an annual benefit to showcase our talented community and benefit our nonprofit organization, and of course, working with our partners to continue our growth.

About Pandion Music Foundation

All of Pandion’s services are 100% donor funded. That makes us different from the majority of other organizations existing in the music and entertainment space. Our work will not rely on music creators’ personal funds that should go toward creating, collaborating, and producing their art. That means fewer financial barriers, and more music. For more information, visit pandionmusicfoundation.org. and Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and join the Pandion Music Foundation Creators Circle Facebook group.


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