Let's Get You Repped!

This is not about saying "yes" to us... This is about saying "YES" to YOU! 

You are invited to join our upcoming Get Repped Mastermind, a 4 week private coaching program that is potentially career-changing.

What to expect? This is an 4-week rapid growth experience, where we will meet you exactly where YOU are in your sync journey and help you get your songs repped by sync agencies, and rapidly speed up your progress through direct coaching, specific assignments, and a laser-focused accountability circle.


4 Powerful 90 minute group coaching calls on Zoom. 

  • Week One: Evaluate your songs for the strongest licensing potential
  • Week Two: High impact branding and creating stunning EPKs
  • Week Three: Effective pitch emails and tons of reps practicing your direct pitch
  • Week Four: Systematize your entire approach in sync for repeat success


  • 7 Days a Week direct daily access to us via WhatsApp throughout the 4 weeks
  • Pitch Panel: Meet 3 Sync Agencies LIVE looking for new music to sign. Get feedback on your pitch and your music not just from us, but agencies as well.
  • Get Repped Sampler Inclusion. We will pitch 2 of your best songs to 4 agencies looking for new music to sign at the end of these 4 weeks! 

Let's break it down...

We take a hands-on approach to your music licensing career and push you boldly forward.

You'll have direct access to us via a WhatsApp channel where you'll be able to ask us any questions you have during the week between our zoom calls. We'll give direct encouragement, coaching, and support to you throughout the 4 weeks.

As a bonus we will hold a live pitch panel on Zoom with 3 real sync agencies. This is your opportunity to pitch you music and get feedback for future pitches as well!

At the end of 4 weeks, we will pitch 2 of your radio-ready songs to 4 different music licensing agencies. 

We’ll hold the space for you to shake up your mindset in the best way possible, and teach you advanced strategies as you need them.

This is not a course or program, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience created to take you to game-changing new heights in your sync career.

*NOTE*: This experience is designed for those who are most serious about taking massive action toward their goals and ready for more hands-on individualized support. If you sign up, we will be holding you to a high standard. You will be expected to show up on time to all coaching sessions and turn your phone off during the calls. Do NOT sign up for this if you aren't fully intending to take action each week.

It's your time!

Sonnet and John

PS - Definitely check out what our alumni have to say below!

Join Get Repped Mastermind.

Your opportunity to join our music licensing accelerator is here!


Mariana Risquez 

Hear directly from Urban Latin Pop artist and songwriter Mariana Risquez (@marianittarisquez on Instagram) as she shares from the heart about her profound transformative experience working with Sonnet and John.


Jen Jardine

“John and Sonnet went above and beyond the Pinnacle with their mentorship. They truly wanted me to succeed! I’ve skyrocketed out of old patterns that weren’t serving my goals and blasted my way to a new place of awakening. Don’t question if you should do this or not. Take action! You’ll be glad you did!”

Dan Trilk

"Being in Pinnacle Mastermind was a game changer for me. With the guidance and encouragement of John & Sonnet and eight weeks of continually stepping out of my comfort zone, I came out on the other side with a greater sense of my worth as a producer and artist, dozens of new relationships and opportunities and a fresh perspective on what is possible. I also feel I now have the tools and systems in place to propel me forward at a faster rate than I possibly could have done on my own."

Mary Haller

"The Pinnacle Mastermind experience with John and Sonnet was so valuable for me and came at just the right time in my sync/songwriting journey. I loved being able ask them questions that came up for me and get their feedback and suggestions on songs I was working on. I also loved the sense of community and genuinely caring, supportive environment that they helped create. I have a new sense of confidence in my abilities and what I have to offer in the world of sync licensing."

Kyle Langlois

"I highly recommend working with Sonnet and John. Over just six weeks, their guidance has given me game-changing progress, clarity and intent about my career in music and myself as an artist."

Cortnie Graham

"I cannot say enough good things about my experience with the Pinnacle Mastermind session offered by John and Sonnet. The information, help and support I received was personalized and helped me grow as a songwriter. I was able to ask any and all questions I had at any time and always received detailed responses and resources that helped me even more. The best part of the experience was the group chat and meetings! I was able to meet other amazing songwriters, producers, musicians in my group, and become friends through this experience. If you are needing some real direction, a little push, or new insight that will help you improve, this is definitely for you. You will not be disappointed!"

Cinder Ernst

"I said yes to Pinnacle because of my trust in the knowledge and generosity of John and Sonnet. I wanted to up level my songwriting skills and expand my opportunities for great collabs and decision maker relationships. I know the homework they assigned to me personally was perfect because the song that I just finished writing is superb, and my ear has become more sophisticated as I listen to songs I wrote even just 3 months ago. The private pitching opportunity opened a couple new doors for me, so I achieved my goals. What is unexpected is how sure-footed and confident I feel as I make my music decisions... This is a new and much welcomed up level for me."

Gabrielle Taryn

"I could go on forever about the positive aspects of working with Sonnet and John. Having their constant support over the 6 weeks of Pinnacle was a game changer and I feel like I have them in my corner for life. They make you focus on what's important, give you guidance and advice, and help connect you with others. I couldn't believe the work I was able to accomplish in a short amount of time. Thank you Sonnet and John, I am forever grateful!"

Tina Nowicki

"I highly recommend working with John & Sonnet because they truly care and are willing to meet you where you’re at. They will challenge you and help you figure out the important steps needed to meet your goals and become a stronger creative. They provide such a sense of community and will encourage you every step of the way. It was an absolute honor getting one-on-one coaching from 2 people who are successful within sync licensing. They helped me to grow leaps and bounds from where I was in such a short amount of time. Their knowledge and support is invaluable!"

Scott Loza

"I highly recommend signing up for Pinnacle! It was such an amazing experience! I learned how to really develop as an artist! They both challenge me to be better and improve the music I make."

Join Get Repped Mastermind

Your opportunity to join our music licensing accelerator is here!


We Can Help You Achieve the Following:

  • Put together a captivating brand presentation to accompany your music in sync pitches.
  • Shape perfect pitch emails 
  • Identify and curate the inspiring pitch playlists of your music 
  • Create your pitching package
  • Practice pitching in real time with real agencies 
  • Develop a service-based attitude towards the industry.
  • Identify your music superpowers!
  • Take total ownership of your place at the table with the music superpowers you have.
  • Connect with your craft at a deeper level than ever before.
  • Completely align your sound with your overall artistic message.
  • Get fast, on-point and supportive feedback on your songs.
  • Identify your strongest music to include in pitches.
  • Receive detailed coaching on how to conduct business in sync.
  • Become more organized and productive than ever before.

Join Get Repped Mastermind

Your opportunity to join our music licensing accelerator is here!