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Now's Your Time To Climb!

Make the new friends you need to help you succeed in sync!

What you'll get:

  • 4 LIVE Zoom calls with John & Sonnet each month - Join 2Indie's founders (and proven industry matchmakers) for exciting networking and coaching events for your sync career
  • Meet new collaborators - Like-minded indie artists, songwriters, and producers from all over the world to level up with
  • Meet successful songwriters in sync - How do indie artists write the kinds of songs that land placements? Find out!
  • Meet people who can pitch your music - We introduce you to one new agency every month for you to consider!
  • Meet important Music Supervisors - We introduce you to one new supe every month!
  • Write each month for real sync opportunities. We provide 2 sync briefs per month + a monthly industry sampler
  • Private Facebook community for around-the-clock support from your peers and the 2Indie Guide Team of sync veterans

Joining us is risk-free! We proudly offer a money-back guarantee to anyone who isn't completely satisfied with Licensing Basecamp within 2 weeks of their subscription starting.